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Showing posts from February, 2011

The job search is over...

This is a short update post on the job search. Yes indeedy, I've been very fortunate that the job search is over after months of pushing really hard to network with friends and friends of friends, and being clear on what I was looking for.  A company has agreed to hire a stay-at-home-mom - me Alas, I had to give up on my requirement for part-time work, my pipe dream of working 8:30 am - 3:00 pm.  There really wasn't a part-time job that was sufficiently interesting for me to make the effort to go to an office, so I am back working full-time.  Challenging and demanding work too, so for those of you who are contemplating going back to work after being out of the workforce for some time, I'll share my experiences. In the meantime, this explains why I've been so delinquent in posting to my blog.  More later.

My boys through the years

I had the idea for this post and when I told my husband it involved photos, he was a little surprised since I don't post pictures of my little ones here.  So this is my boys through the years with a twist - a violent one. If you are the parents of young boys, this is what you can look forward to.  If you are the parents of girls, you might find this post interesting in the way one learns about different species, interesting. First we start up with the everyday weapon around the home - the lowly inner tube of a roll of gift paper. Adequate for thrusting and blocking, but not hard enough to cause damage. Can be interchanged with paper towel rolls for close combat.  You can see where this post is going. Above, air-filled lightsabers, easy for Liam to wield and below, much-abused foam swords.  We certainly got our $5 worth out of these. They had to be retired after the foam started giving way and the hard plastic inner tube became a hazard, especially for thr...