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Showing posts from April, 2011

Les Femmes d'un certain age

When I started writing this post, I had no clue what age was referred to in the phrase "women of a certain age". My thinking was that if I began viewing myself as a woman of a certain age, then in all likelihood, that was what I was.  It amused me to put as the heading of my post the French phrase, although what I mean is the English version. (If you're confused but interested, read this: ) So what has brought me to this sad but inevitable slide of time? My weight.  (Big shocker I'm sure.) There was a time when I ate pretty much what I wanted and stayed within a certain weight range.  That time is no more. It pains me to admit that in the last 4 years or so, my metabolism has slowed so the same food is causing somewhat unattractive results on my petite frame. Throughout my adult life I have resisted any semblance of dieting, trying to eat well, have junk in moderation and get exercise as best I can. Now, as of ...