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Showing posts from August, 2013

5 things I learnt from my recent visit to SeaWorld, San Antonio

1. You must be fit and not susceptible to heatstroke. We went in August, and it amazes me every time I go, that I have never seen any medical action - how is that possible with the heat? And pregnant women?And small kids? 2. If you are on a special diet of any kind, including plain vegetarian, you're screwed. The best you can hope for is to limit the damage.   3. Don't go to SeaWorld by yourself and your school-age child. Your  child's playmate will be you. Need I say more?   4. If you must be there alone with your child, help yourself by taking a day off from work the day after you come back so you can recover.   5. If you are a mom with a son, prepare him by letting him know you will be going to the bathroom 3 times to his 1. It may help reduce the whining, "Agaaain?" I also tried out my new waterproof camera - which was fabulous! Here is a picture of some underwater wave and bubble action.