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Showing posts from May, 2017

Doing my part for STEM: Demonstrating Agile concepts using fidget spinners

Fidget spinners and Agile Now agile and fidget spinners are probably words you don't hear regularly in the same sentence. Well, me neither until I was forced to up my game.   Career Talk in 3rd Grade My son's 3rd grade teacher asked parents come in to talk about their careers to the class. My son Liam raved about this one parent in particular. A neurologist who not only spent about an hour talking cool brain stuff but gave out swag (a brain stress ball) and to top it off, brought tuning forks for the kids to put on their heads! Well shit! How was I going to beat that?  (My husband: "You know it is not a competition, right?" Ignore.) Liam's teacher asked me about coming in to talk...about writing. Hmmm, writing vs tuning forks? BORING. I opted instead to do my part to promote women in STEM and decided to talk about my other career - as a computer engineer. Maybe I can work in video games in there somewhere! Get the kids excited! Some parents work in ch...

Exercise as you get older - 7 top tips.

Exercising as an older adult I am still working on my 50 things update , so in the meantime I wanted to share a few thoughts on what takes up a consistent part of my life at the moment - exercise. But first the caveat - do not start any vigorous exercise program without the consent of your doctor. I expect to continue to exercise as I have done, and even improve, even though I know I am getting older. I've also had a few surgeries that forces me to be mindful of what is going on with my body.  (Read the start of my breast cancer story here ) For example, my lymphedema risk on my right arm means that I should not be lifting weights to maximum ability at any time (but I use how I feel as my gauge),   I do have some range limitations in certain planes because of the breast surgeries, but extensive physical therapy really helped get me to where I am now. I believe the chemo drugs helped me along the path to osteoporosis which means that I need to do weight-bearing exercises....