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Showing posts from January, 2018

Health, fitness and growing older

Short post! What health and fitness advice is there for ME?  Do you ever feel like there is a lot of wellness inspiration and information for much younger men and women and also for much older people, but maybe not so much for those of us who are not quite either of those? Fit couple  I don't fall into this category of fitness. This is something else. Senior couple But neither to I fall into the category on the left - I am not quite that senior. Is it just me who thinks there no middle ground of health and fitness practices between the ages of 30 and 60? And I am talking about photos, health goals even exercise regime for those of us who are not the 20 or 30 year olds with rock hard abs, nor are we in the 60 plus age group...yet. I started thinking about this when my friends asked me about my regime after I posted out my fitness photoshoot. See that post here It seems that a lot of advice is tailored to either end of the spectrum b...

Are there more ebooks than physical books in the library system?

Will the bears find the answer in that book? Dunno, but we should all be reading. Question of the day   I am a big fan of my local public library.  They rotate the books from other branches, they get new books all the time, they do events for the community like storytime, steeped in books, book clubs, French storytime, amongst other things. They do the best they can with what they have but since I am very greedy I want more! More magazines! More recent books! More space! But, I can't complain because we just opened our magnificent Central Library downtown Austin. Back to my question. I recently went to my public library website to place a hold on a new dystopion science fiction book by a popular author, not known for this genre. I noticed something quite eye-catching. 2 holds on 26 copies (Physical book) 74 holds on 25 copies (ebook) A whole lot more readers were interested in getting the book for their eReaders than a physical copy. I like my eReader becau...

Goodbye 2017, hello 2018

First post of 2018 Making the leap into 2018 The year in review This will be a short post. Nothing earth-shattering in this post except to say that 2017 has been quite a year. As a Muslim immigrant woman of colour it was an emotionally disturbing, frustrating and stressful year, and continues to be. I have learned many things about people, attitudes and the political system in America. To be sure I feel much wiser than I did before, in the vein of "the scales have fallen from my eyes." There has been so much human suffering from natural disasters and mass shootings;  war; international tensions; weather extremes and increasing schisms in American society and worldwide. I  am very glad to leave 2017 behind and I worry about what I am leaving for the children of the world. What will 2018 bring? I don't make New Year's resolutions, at best I may have an idea of big swathes of what I would like to accomplish but usually nothing specific. This year, I cou...