I was at our monthly book club meeting recently (and yes, I do go to those because it is in a 3-block radius of my home and it is after baby sleeps), and someone was talking about her sister-in-law's blog. She was shocked at the kinds of posts that make it to the blog. Me, not so much anymore.
I can see my internal machinations creeping into my own blog. I started off talking a lot about what I did in the day, then I realized that my more recent posts have been about what I think. I know that people post for many reasons, and I initially started as a test to myself to see if I could write anything remotely interesting and then if I could sustain a blog or if I really only had like 2 ideas and that was it. A few months on, I think I am doing ok. (Still not so sure that this is interesting to anyone but me.)
As a blogger it is very easy to view the post as your own personal diary, and to ignore the fact that any Tom, Dick and Jane could be reading it...and do! But then, you don't know them personally anyway. I can attest to that, because I had my blog out in the public for a few weeks before I even let my husband know it existed...and some of my close friends still don't know I blog! Because you see, I will actually meet them and if they read my blog, they will have secret information about me...yes..it is the opening up of the self to people one actually interacts with that is the uncomfortable part.
We recently sold a co-sleeper to someone via Craig's list, someone who had her own blog, and since I am generally interested now in knowing what folks blog about, I checked it out. Let's just say that when she came to collect it 2 days later, I was able to ask her about the baby that was due in 3 weeks - by name! I had also seen her month by month belly photos which she put in a slide show on her blog, so I felt quite connected to this stranger who turned up at my house! It was an amazing phenomenon. Maybe if I put up my belly photos, folks might be more concerned about me?? (My husband is probably falling off his chair laughing right now at the absurdity of that thought.)
A few months into this blogging business, I have realized that my blog is rather....plain so I need to juice it up. I'll be looking around for some exciting widgets to attach to my blog. I am also in a mad scramble to figure out other blogs/sites to follow (and if you guessed my family and friends you'd be right - lot's of back-scratching going on here).
So look for some more "stuff" in the posts to come, but rest assured, no belly pictures.
I can see my internal machinations creeping into my own blog. I started off talking a lot about what I did in the day, then I realized that my more recent posts have been about what I think. I know that people post for many reasons, and I initially started as a test to myself to see if I could write anything remotely interesting and then if I could sustain a blog or if I really only had like 2 ideas and that was it. A few months on, I think I am doing ok. (Still not so sure that this is interesting to anyone but me.)
As a blogger it is very easy to view the post as your own personal diary, and to ignore the fact that any Tom, Dick and Jane could be reading it...and do! But then, you don't know them personally anyway. I can attest to that, because I had my blog out in the public for a few weeks before I even let my husband know it existed...and some of my close friends still don't know I blog! Because you see, I will actually meet them and if they read my blog, they will have secret information about me...yes..it is the opening up of the self to people one actually interacts with that is the uncomfortable part.
We recently sold a co-sleeper to someone via Craig's list, someone who had her own blog, and since I am generally interested now in knowing what folks blog about, I checked it out. Let's just say that when she came to collect it 2 days later, I was able to ask her about the baby that was due in 3 weeks - by name! I had also seen her month by month belly photos which she put in a slide show on her blog, so I felt quite connected to this stranger who turned up at my house! It was an amazing phenomenon. Maybe if I put up my belly photos, folks might be more concerned about me?? (My husband is probably falling off his chair laughing right now at the absurdity of that thought.)
A few months into this blogging business, I have realized that my blog is rather....plain so I need to juice it up. I'll be looking around for some exciting widgets to attach to my blog. I am also in a mad scramble to figure out other blogs/sites to follow (and if you guessed my family and friends you'd be right - lot's of back-scratching going on here).
So look for some more "stuff" in the posts to come, but rest assured, no belly pictures.
and as your family, I do appreciate the insight
maybe now i'll try to come see u and the lil kiddies sooner :D:D
not that I didn't always want to come, but its easy to feel like a stranger since they hardly know me and then i'll be the strange girl cousin who's at their house
keep up the blogging... it's interesting ! :)
I understand that being called a "follower" may be anathema to some, so I wanted to thank everybody who is interested in "following" my blog despite the label. I appreciate it!!