I'm still making up for not having many posts about my Trinidad trip, but this time I thought I'd talk about the flight down...alone..with Liam...on my lap.
Austin check-in was slow since the person behind the desk didn't quite know how to handle the passenger-with-lap-child situation. By the time we got our boarding passes, Liam had had enough. He turned to me, scrunched up his little face and said, "Home". It was heart-breaking since we hadn't even gotten through security yet!
Liam was very subdued on the flights and didn't run about on the plane, but each time we got up from the chairs to board another flight, he told me, "Home".
"We're almost there, baby, we're going to Grandpa's home."
I kept him entertained with my 'travel packet'. Shown below, everything fit in a ziploc bag (not shown - my toy of last resort, lent to a friend). The stickers were a life-saver! He kept sticking and taking them off the board I'd made. Here he is in action. He might have played with the Thomas colorforms pack more, but his fingers were not able to manipulate them very well.

Apparently children don't like being changed in strange places - he refused to lie down on the changing tables. Needless to say cleaning up poop from a standing position was a challenge.
When we reached Trinidad though, I wanted to change him into his pjamas before we drove home. That was the last straw for him, but I had my secret weapon. It was a very small media player (Nextar T30), loaded with Wiggles, Hi-5, etc. It got me through that last change, baggage, customs and immigration in Trinidad.
That night he slept pretty well considering the events of the day. The next morning he woke up and took to his Uncle Teddy like he's known him his whole life. My sister-in-law? Not so much. He showed a distinct preference for the males in the family.
The trip back is another story.
Austin check-in was slow since the person behind the desk didn't quite know how to handle the passenger-with-lap-child situation. By the time we got our boarding passes, Liam had had enough. He turned to me, scrunched up his little face and said, "Home". It was heart-breaking since we hadn't even gotten through security yet!
Liam was very subdued on the flights and didn't run about on the plane, but each time we got up from the chairs to board another flight, he told me, "Home".
"We're almost there, baby, we're going to Grandpa's home."
I kept him entertained with my 'travel packet'. Shown below, everything fit in a ziploc bag (not shown - my toy of last resort, lent to a friend). The stickers were a life-saver! He kept sticking and taking them off the board I'd made. Here he is in action. He might have played with the Thomas colorforms pack more, but his fingers were not able to manipulate them very well.
Apparently children don't like being changed in strange places - he refused to lie down on the changing tables. Needless to say cleaning up poop from a standing position was a challenge.
When we reached Trinidad though, I wanted to change him into his pjamas before we drove home. That was the last straw for him, but I had my secret weapon. It was a very small media player (Nextar T30), loaded with Wiggles, Hi-5, etc. It got me through that last change, baggage, customs and immigration in Trinidad.
That night he slept pretty well considering the events of the day. The next morning he woke up and took to his Uncle Teddy like he's known him his whole life. My sister-in-law? Not so much. He showed a distinct preference for the males in the family.
The trip back is another story.