Most kids are involved in some sport on a Saturday morning. For this past year, we elected NOT to send Lucas to either soccer or basketball or football or baseball. This year Lucas and Liam started regular swimming classes. Lucas can swim and he is improving his technique and learning new strokes. Liam is just starting to learn to swim (kicking his legs, holding his breath, etc.). And why is this bliss? It's bliss because instead of being outdoors with them and either sweating or freezing, I get to be inside a warm, indoor swimming pool, on a Saturday morning, sitting down and chatting with friends while someone else is in charge of keeping my children in line. All I do is grin and give them the occasional thumbs up.
It helps that one of the swim instructors, Mr. Kyle, really seems to enjoy playing with the kids after their swim class and it is a highlight of their time at the pool when he picks them up and drops them in the water, sprays them in the face or holds them over the fountain. What's not to love about that?
When the weather gets warmer, I look forward to the time when we can go to the outside pool to play and swim. There is just something soothing about the water, and I wanted to share pictures of my lads doing their thing at the pool. I hope you are out there doing something that you enjoy on a Saturday morning - either with kids or without!
My little cherub |
Big son |