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Showing posts from April, 2012

Dis Facebook chupidness

But first a note about this post -  I've written it in Trini English. I was inspired by a colleague who heard me speaking to someone from Trinidad in the office one day, and said that he didn't know I had an accent. Well at least he didn't say that he didn't know I could speak a whole other language! But on to the post. So when ah firs' decide to get on Facebook, ah figah is only meh family ah go connect to. So ah was tinkin' dat it go be ah few people, no big deal. So ah join and ah start to keep in contac' wid meh mother's side ah de family. Well, ah see meh Dad's side too, so of course ah have to connec' to dem too. But den wat about meh friends? Ah cyah say no to dem neither. And den I see almost meh whole secondary school classmates - wuh ah go do eh? Ah ha to "fren" dem... So now, ah reach up to 93 frens and family. Ah have Mother side, daddy side, meh St. Louis friends, meh Trini friends and classmates, meh Austin friends,...

I belong to an exclusive club...

The kind that noone wants to sign up for, get selected for or  belong to The kind where the membership is for life The kind where the entry requirements are demanding The kind where the initiation rituals are brutal and impact you for the rest of your life The kind where you have our own language like NED and DCIS The kind where you can ask any question and get an answer, no matter how gross or intimate The kind  that is so exclusive that  non-members may not really understand what the fuss is about The kind where birthdays and anniversaries have extra special meaning The kind that has embraced the green smoothie like you wouldn't believe The kind that stands together

You remind me of...

When I unveiled my new short 'do, some people made the comment that I reminded them of someone. So I thought I'd post something out there to get the ideas going. Now imagine me emerging from the surf, looking beautiful and knowing just how to use the knife at my hand. Not to mention getting ready for an exchange with Pierce Brosnan. It's quite flattering to have some people say that I resemble Halle Berry even if it is only for the hair! I am totally rocking that orange bikini! Perhaps I can pass as Rooney Mara? I am not sure my haircut is vicious enough, although I did try and enhance the look with the drawn-in nose and lip rings. I would not mind at all being compared to Audrey Hepburn - a very classy lady. But aside from the obvious differences,  I think my hair is a little too long now and definitely too curly. I would have put up the pictures of these ladies side-by-side with mine, but wasn't sure I could do that. Anyways, not sure this will help,...

Why I love my bubby

But first a little background. My husband has a men's group that he meets with once a week and they are a fan of John Eldredge . They listen to the cd or podcast and discuss relationships, faith, etc. But they depend on my husband to provide the playing device. This is an email he sent out a short while ago: " Brothers, Many moons ago, in an age before touch screens, Jimmy Johns single-sandwich delivery, and bank bailouts, Jeff [boss]  gave me a tiny iPod as a birthday gift. It was a kinder, gentler time then.   I have enjoyed using my square little buddy nearly every day since then. But now it is time for that tiny indestructible purveyor of sound to live on to serve our Band of Brothers, so that we may hear the messages of John Eldredge on Tuesday mornings, whether I’m there or not (or late), and independent of Chris’s [friend] laptop being agreeable to playing a CD, or not. I will place the valiant little iPod into its white Bose cradle so that we may enjoy it toget...

Ups and downs..

A sure sign that things are getting back to normal is the inevitable focus on things outside of myself - but perhaps not so far outside myself. I was thinking again how hard it is to live up to my own expectations of what it is to be a good parent. It would be a relief to take the easy path, but if there is something I don't think is a good thing for my kids, it is very hard to allow them to do it, eat it, have it etc. even though it would make life easy for me. It results in quite a bit of internal conflict I can tell you. But enough of that. I wanted to give a quick update on how I am feeling these days, and I have to say that while I am doing better I am shocked by how much my irradiated side is still a problem. The whole area feels very tight still and there are still sore spots. This is after 3 months since my last radiation treatment. I still have one spot that will get red if I am not careful (that is, can't touch , or move the skin around to stretch it or help with b...

I want to read you Mama

This is what I was wearing tonight (Lucas took a picture of me and my pyjamas with my phone - hardly flattering). I asked my 4-year old, "What would you like to read?" "I'd like to read you Mama." And so we began. Balloon, doughnut, wheels, hula-hoop, rings, earrings, eyes, glasses, binoculars, light bulbs, balls, the center of a flower, bubbles, circles, lamp shade (base) get the idea. The simple joys of an imagination. Liam enjoyed it immensely.