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Austin Trini - Rebranding and Website launch!

World famous jetty at Pigeon Point, Tobago, white sand beach
Pigeon Point, Tobago - My new profile pic!

Blogger vs Google+ ? Creating a brand?

My head is spinning! You may notice that I've updated my profile picture, both here as well as on my social media accounts. I've also moved away from the CEO Human Capital blog name and embraced the persona "Austin Trini". Please update your bookmarks accordingly (because I know you have my site bookmarked if not subscribed to receive my feed the instant I post).

Why change?

When I first started as CEO, Family Human Capital, I had just become the stay-at-home parent/homemaker/domestic executive. I was in charge of the family human capital: my children. By now, I have to admit to myself (and yes to the world), that I have succumbed to the twin evils of laziness and selfishness.

Laziness because I am not improving their human capital at all (and if you ask them, I am in fact doing the opposite of that). Frankly, as my children get older, I am less and less able to influence and CONTROL them which is what parenting is all about, right?

My younger son is now 10 so I have the feeling of, "Well it's about time!" Now, I am sure you parents don't feel that way about YOUR children, but I do, so I am very happy to exercise some selfishness to make up for all those days and nights of teething, toothaches, screaming tantrums, endless laundry, agonizing about doing the right thing and dealing with general malaise (or, "I have no new video games to play"). Which brings me to "Me time."

Launching a brand and a business

I've always wanted to write. I wrote on the walls of my house when I was 8; when I should know better, but apparently I was selfish even then. All about ME.

I've been working on a children's story, and I am thinking about turning a few of my blog posts into, deep breath, article submissions. Yes, I am making the leap after playing around for the last, well, long time.

Which brings me to my "brand". I am thinking Austin Trini is as good as any, at least to start. I'll revisit in the future, but I am going with that.

This, coupled with the little retail business I've launched on the side, has me busy!
Grey Wolf Pet Gear   : Leashes for medium or large dogs. So if you've got a 50 lb dog or heavier, then check us out, we've just launched our website. While we can't guarantee your dog won't pull you, we're pretty sure our leash won't bust!

Dog leashes for large dogs boxer, pitbull, bulldog, German Shepherd, Dane, Siberian husky, labrador

Follow me on Twitter  , Instagram AustinTrini 

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