Now that Liam is 18 months, Lucas has so much more fun "playing" with him, that is, ordering him to put dirty clothes away, spying on him, fighting with him etc. But I am not complaining, as long as neither one is crying it means that I don't have to be involved (and I can get on with my reading).
On that subject, in my last post I talked about a book I was reading regarding discipline, (Taming the Spirited Child by Dr. Michael Popkin). I highly recommend this book even though I haven't read it completely yet. I mean, he says that the first thing that every parent should have is a timer....yes, a timer. If you've read some of my prior posts, you may remember that I have 5 timers going to get Lucas out the door on school days, so already from that first statement, the author was God in my book. But seriously, he has some good ideas for trying, some which you may agree with and others not so much. But I figure if I can get one good idea from what I read, that is a better situation than what I started with.
But back to my personal goals, which I've had to suppress time and time again. I've been sitting on a (very bad) draft of an article I hope? plan? to submit to anybody who will have it. I've been distracted by the private/public school issue and a massive photobook I've been working on for months for my Dad's 80th birthday.
Hopefully now that I've gotten this post out, I might actually feel inclined to review and maybe even revise my article, but it is so much more fun looking at pictures!