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Showing posts from May, 2010

Life as a parent

"Stop it!"  "No!" "Don't do that!"  "Will you be quiet?!!"  "Go upstairs to your room!" "Well he started it!" "Why can't I get to watch the TV show that I want?" "Mom, he's bothering me" "Take turns I said!" "Liam! Stop it! You'll hurt brother!" "Lucas! Stop it! You'll hurt brother!" Why am I the only adult on the playscape? Hmmm. And why am I the only adult squeezing through this tiny tube in the bouncy castle?  Hmmmm. It's not even the summer vacation.  By the time the kids move out of the house, I'll have the patience of Job. As with all parent-child relationships, sometimes things go well, and then other times, well not so much. Right now, our current hurdle is being respectful.  In choice of words, tone and listening. It's an uphill battle, and not only because I have a sinking feeling that my child must be getting this fr...

How often do you tell your children "No"?

I overheard a mom telling her, maybe 4-year old, not to watch T.V - this was on the way to dropping him off at the gym childcare.  You'd be pleased to know that I restrained both my voice and my eyebrows in response to this obviously ludicrous suggestion: That a 4-year old would be able to restrain himself if the television is on and his mother wasn't there and That the childcare staff would actually care I wasn't however able to restrain myself at a recent birthday party where a father sat his maybe 18-month son on the edge of a sandbox and told the poor tyke "You can play but you are not to go in."  I told the dad that he was evil, but I don't think I helped. Aside from those observations, it did get me thinking about the parenting style that says, "The kids have to learn the word 'No' " and the style that says, "I don't want to have to keep saying 'No' all the time, so I'll just not expose them to thin...