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Showing posts from March, 2012

Cancer by the Numbers 4 of 4: The cost of cancer treatment

This will be my last "Cancer by the Numbers" post. The first three are here: Cancer by the Numbers 3 of 4: Risk Cancer by the Numbers 2 of 4: That grocery bill Cancer by the Numbers 1 of 4: Those blood counts I don't recall seeing the financial cost of cancer anywhere so I thought I'd just share what I know from my own experience on the quantifiable cost of cancer., since it is practically impossible to judge all the other costs of cancer (the emotional toll, the ongoing physical and psychological, the opportunity cost etc.). I thought I'd throw some data at you, like I like to do. But first a few notes: The numbers are based on what was billed to the insurance.  The % represents the % that the insurance actually paid based on their negotiated rates with the providers. These amounts excludes our deductible (we had a high-deductible plan), so once we paid up, everything was covered at 100%. Without insurance this is bankruptcy for sure.   ForBLog ....

Tales from a resort

Back in November I talked a little bit about  the fact that I didn't feel like I had time to come to terms with my cancer diagnosis and everything that has happened since. This week I remedied that by taking a week off - a week I promised myself back then. My dear husband has allowed me time off away from everyone and I am here at a resort about 1 1/2 hours away from home, alone. Without husband. Without KIDS!! This is my think time and my no responsibility time. I don't have to be anywhere or do anything. I don't have to explain myself if I wanted to sleep in or go back to bed after breakfast. If I felt like watching TV until 2:00am, I could (I haven't). I thought it would be entertaining to share the less serious aspects of my stay here: I had buffet breakfast the first morning of my stay. One look at the bill and I drove straight to the nearest grocery. Bought some food items costing about 4 buffet breakfasts , except I can eat breakfast, lunch and dinner fo...

A blog for my boys

I wanted to make a short post to my boys, all of them, about them. To my biggest boy, my husband. I think I owe you a month of Sundays of video games, and I promise you, when I am better you can collect on those IOUs any time you want. I love you: for your patience for your understanding for your flexibility despite the latest curve ball for your positive outlook for your support in so many ways for not asking more of me than I am able and asking so little for perspective for stepping up like a man - the man I wanted to marry and still do and for the way you are. To my little boys, who have shown me so much love. The smallest, my cherub, is the one who will hug my leg and kiss me and remind me why I have to stay strong. My big son will try me but in ways I am only beginning to understand, he shows me his love and his fears. He is a wonderful big brother to the little one (albeit rough at times), but when I need him to be the man of the house - he rises to the challenge...

Swimsuit Shopping: My top 5 list

And I don't mean the top 5 things I like about shopping for a swimsuit. Trying to get a bathing suit is a most frustrating shopping experience for most women. It is especially hard for me this year since I don't quite have the same shape that I used to. Here's my top 5 list of swim suit criteria: Does not require extensive grooming procedures prior to wear. Does not stick up anywhere it shouldn't. Not easy to pull down or aside - very necessary when playing and fighting the boys in the pool. That leaves out strapless swimsuits and anything with thin straps. Offers appropriate concealment and camouflage where necessary. Does not look like a child's swimsuit nor a teen's. So now that I review my list, I am wondering why I just don't put "grandmother swimsuit" here, or is that just me?