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Fitness Photo Shoot

Fitness after stage III breast cancer

Plank on ball in silhouette

Why a fitness shoot?

I am not a fitness model, nor am I ripped like one, but I wanted to do a fitness shoot for a few different reasons:

1. As a reminder of how far I have come

At the 5-year anniversary of my diagnosis of stage III breast cancer, it seemed a good time to remind myself how far I have come since I went through the trauma of diagnosis and treatment. That no matter how low I felt at the time, I came through it. Not all my sisters made it and many are still struggling today (shout out to my IV-leagers - those living with stage IV,  EVERY DAY).

2. As a reminder of how much the body can do

It is a moment for me to acknowledge that while there are things I still cannot do, there are things I could not do when I first started lifting weights, that I can do now and THAT is amazing to me.

When I first started weight lifting maybe I could do shoulder presses with 7.5 lbs, now I can do more than twice that. I squatted my body weight for the first time this year. It boggles my mind.

My trainer keeps reminding me, don't say "Can't" say "Can't do it yet." Thanks Shan!

3. As a reminder of how much I have to be grateful for

See points 1. and 2.  For these reasons I wanted it on my 50's list, and maybe in 10 years I will look back on this for inspiration or in fact any time I feel stuck.

My fitness goals 

I have very modest fitness goals - I would like to become stronger and I compare myself with my previous self, and that's it.

I don't have the muscle definition like some of the ladies I see working out, and that is ok with me. My body has been through a lot. The strength conditioning helps with my osteoporosis and I am grateful I am able to continue training.

But Back to the photoshoot

I had a lot of fun thinking about the photoshoot, and planning it, and Luisa at  LadyLu Photography was gracious enough to take the professional shots for me. (There is a picture of us below).

But first there was the hunting on the Pinterest to see what kinds of shots I wanted to take. Then there were the test shots with my less than awesome phone camera:

Test photos

Mom kicking a high side kick karate
martial arts side kick

Fit mom side lunges
side lunges in my back yard

Older woman flexing triceps holding dumbbell
Come on triceps, pop!
older woman flexing biceps weight lifiting
You too biceps,  pop!


Professional photos

Definitely some lessons learned during the shoot, but I'll share those in another post, along with some of the less than flattering shots. All in all, I was pretty happy with the result. Let me know what you think!
Woman doing upright row with kettlebell fitness photo
Upright row with kettlebell, side view

Woman doing presses with kettlebell fitness photo
That looks heavy!

Fit older woman doing pushup
Yep. Them be muscles.
Fit older woman doing upright row with kettlebell
Upright row with kettlebell

Fit woman silhouette lifiting a pair of dumbbells shoulderpress
Standing shoulder press in silhouette


Luisa at LadyLu Photography and I

Martial Arts

I also did a few shots with my arnis that I liked, in fact I liked all of my arnis pictures - too many, it was hard to pick a few!

Fit woman practicing filipino martial arts stick fighting arnis
Arnis, Filipino stick fighting, redonda, martial arts
Fit woman practicing filipino martial arts stick fighting arnis
Arnis, Filipino stick fighting, redonda, martial arts
If I look intense, that is just the martial arts face.


There were a few that were "candid" shots:

Woman seated in fitness wear
Yep, I own those rolls.

Older woman in fitness gear with vitiligo
Getting ready for the pictures.

And a few more random ones

  These are just a few  that fell into the category "other".

Fit older woman doing a karate side kick fitness
Side kick martial arts

Fit older woman doing side lunges fitness photo
Side lunge

woman in warrior pose yoga
Posing, it's been a while since I've done some yoga!

fit older woman doing kettlebell goblet squats
Kettlebell goblet squats
And that's all folks. I will post more every now and again, maybe on my instagram and twitter accounts.
I would appreciate your comments, so feel free to leave them in the comments section of my blog!

Follow me on Twitter  , Instagram AustinTrini 

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Anonymous said…
Holy crap, these are amazing amazing amazing! You are the very definition of resilience. I will show these pics to my girls so they know that their challenges in life can actually help them become stronger. You look stunning, strong, and triumphant in these pics. Love seeing this side of you, my friend. So proud of you.

Greta said…
Thank you for sharing this latest post. Your photos are beautiful and stunning. You have shown such courage, strength and grace during your treatment and recovery, which I find so encouraging and inspiring. You've weathered so much while still being a mom to your kids and wife to your husband. I sense and share your gratitude for how far you have come these last few years.
LiEfeN said…
Gorgeous, my friend! I love the beauty of the strength within you from your experience and your journey than the exterior strength...
But I ain't gonna lie- the exterior is HAWT too.
Heather said…
You look great!

I'm constantly amazed by your strength and drive to achieve. You remind me every time to live life to the fullest and never stop pushing for growth.

I need to do a better job of checking things off my list!
Austin Trini said…
@Arati - thank you so much friend! I think your girls are pretty strong all on their own, just like their Mama!
Austin Trini said…
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Unknown said…
Show off nah! You're amazing Sally. And an inspiration. Keep reaching high!!
Austin Trini said…
@ Heather Thank you so much for your comments dear! Cut yourself some slack and just take it one day at a time !
Austin Trini said…
@ Pat, thanks for the comment and the encouragement! You know you have to try a ting ;) Keep on moving forward!
Austin Trini said…
@ Liefen Thanks so much for your support Liefen! It means a lot to me :) Also, I had to look up HAWT in the urban dictionary #IAmSoUncool
Savi said…
Great photos, Sally, wonderful to see you looking so well and STRONG! My favourites are the photos with the "arnis", even though I don't have a clue what they are. :-) (I'm guess it's the sticks.) Thank you for teaching me a new word - off to look it up now! Take care.
Austin Trini said…
@ Savi Thank you so much for your comments on my blog Savi! And you are correct - arnis are the sticks. It is a Filipino tradition and not shotokan karate like I am doing, but my instructors are learned in many different disciplines and this is one they are sharing with us.
Take care!
Stacey Collins said…
You are a super star, Sally! Such an inspiration. AMAZING photos. So STRONG - inside and out.
Austin Trini said…
@Stacey Thank you for your kind words! I am doing my thing best I know how and happy to know if it helps.
Miryum said…
Sally you put those cut ladies in the gym to shame.

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