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If I had kids, I would NEVER.....

I was one of those women who said, "If I had kids I would never....", fill in the blank. In this case it is pander/cater to multiple tastes. How did I end up here?

Milk - I started off the year with 3 different types of milk - low fat for Lucas, whole for Liam and soy for us. I've made it down to 2 (switched Lucas to back to whole milk) and I am slowly transitioning both of them to soy. Whew!!
Bread - We are down to 2 types of bread, one type for Lucas and Liam and one for us (hard-core multi-grain whole-wheat). I started giving Liam our bread which he accepts, but Lucas has something against bread that has "stuff" in it. As for toothpaste - that's for later.
Meals - Ok, this needs some serious work. In general, once we sit at the table, I try for all of us to eat the same things, but maybe Lucas would have plain spaghetti and Liam would have his with spaghetti sauce. It is a mess, but Lucas, my problem eater, seems to be getting more adventurous. Now, he will take a nibble of any new stuff I put on his plate instead of just smelling it.
This beats back all. Liam alone has 4 brands! Lucas has his kid toothpaste, I have one I like and Gunnar has one that is too strong for me. Why does my 2-year old have 4 toothpastes? We've been trying to get him to brush his teeth with fluoride toothpaste but he doesn't like it, so we have to try different ones. Now, I let him try one of the 4 brands each time he brushes to check if he likes it. And Lucas? I'm trying to get him off the kid's toothpaste and onto something a bit mintier (mine). So the bargain we struck was that any evening I am around to brush teeth with him, he will brush either his top teeth or his bottom teeth with my toothpaste, alternating each time. Good grief!! How did I end up here??!

So here I am struggling to keep track of all the likes, dislikes and tastes of my various constituents and trying desperately to rationalize in my household.


Savi said…
Ha, ha, sounds just like our house. The only one we've cracked is the toothpaste - we all use the same, adult stuff. Separate meals is an issue that I don't think we'll ever fully overcome as we have a combination of vegetarians and non-vegetarians in the house. Oh well....
Austin Trini said…
Ok, as long as there is some categories at least!
Kim said…
We have not cracked the toothpaste issue. We've got 4 different types, Jeri has near adult toothpaste as she needs the extra flouride and a kiddie one. Ry just dislikes mint toothpaste so he has the mild baby stuff and John and I have the typical adult stuff.

However, we have the the added issue of two toothbrushes for each of the kids, manual for the am and electric for the pm.

Sigh..... how did I get to this point :-)
Austin Trini said…
Kim, that is sooo funny. Until I posted this out, I had no idea that toothpaste was such an issue - I thought it was only in our household! Too funny! Love hearing about others' experiences.

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