It's now been about 18 months since I quit my job and about 1 year since I started this blog. The blog served many purposes (in order of importance): To journal my transition from professional working woman to this strange and wondrous creature called the "stay-at-home-mom" To test whether I had any writing skills (creative and technical) To share my thoughts with family, friends and finally with Jane Q. Public. (Writing has always been easier for me than talking.) I look back and realize that I do have ideas (of questionable value of course), but I am unsure I can contribute further on the process of adjusting to the stay-at-home life. I mean, just how many more posts can I make about self-esteem issues and my quest for a "band of sisters"? So I am faced with some options: I can shut this blog down and start a new one where I share the ongoing intrigue, danger and high-stakes of parenting or I could re-work this blog and convert it to a parenting/life blog ...
Life as a Trinidadian in Austin, TX : Breast cancer survivor (triple negative), martial artist, fitness enthusiast. Writing about health and wellness as I am growing older