Since my last post made my head hurt, I decided I needed a less head-hurting post, so this is it. It is just a collection of a few things going on with me, that I thought you might enjoy.
Of Books and Bookmarks
I mentioned that you can find me on Goodreads where I post reviews of the books I've been reading (you can see the books I am currently reading at right, on my Shelfari bookshelf). Shelfari is
another site for bibliophiles, but so far I've only use the bookshelf widget on my blog because it is more attractive than the Goodreads widget. But enough of books, have you ever wondered how to keep momentos of all those lovely bouquets you amass throughout the year? Well I had grand ambitions of saving one stem from each bouquet and eventually putting them all into a dried arrangement. I had to abandon that when Liam got into my stash and used a few of the stems as fly swatters (the petals scattered my Anyway, I took one stem, pressed it between my very large dictionary and made a bookmark with it using clear contact paper and cardboard. The picture shows the stem from my Mother's Day bouquet. Next time I will laminate it and just use some petals instead of the stem since the stem is bulky. Either that or get a heavier dictionary.
Chocolate weather
After stultifying heat (first time I've ever used that, not heat), we've had 3 days of almost constant rain. Hence, chocolate weather. My favourite? Mozart-Kugel (sample at right). A little chocolate treat that my husband introduced me to (you can get it in the US at T.J. Maxx around Christmas). I cannot describe how delicious this taste is. It is marzipani-choco-hazelnutty all mixed up in my mouth. If I really want to eat chocolate, this is absolutely the best I've tasted!!
Taba Naba
I'd never heard this song before I looked at an old dvd of The Wiggles. I even put it on my iPod playlist. My husband was a little shocked (and I think wondering if I had finally become deranged for putting children's music on my iPod when I should be using it to escape from such. Anyway the reason I like this song (except for Anthony's voice in the intro), is that it has the power to transport me. I guess we all have music that does that for us. It just so happens that when I hear Christine Anu's voice on the song, I close my eyes and I imagine myself on a sunlit beach, facing the waves, with my arms outstretched, palm upwards. I could feel the warm sun and the salty breeze on my face and I feel peaceful. Maybe I imagine myself in Tobago or maybe in the Torres Strait where the song originates. I certainly feel it was worth the $0.99 I paid for it! I can get transported anytime I want!
Cause for celebration
A cousin in Trinidad celebrated a birthday recently and sent me a mixed bouquet of roses. It was fabulous! The pale pink? peach? roses were the most fragrant and smelt up the house. It's been about 2 weeks now since I got it and I can still smell it in my nose. Thanks Raz for reminding me that far away doesn't have to mean distant in heart and mind, for reminding me to look for the beauty in giving and not receiving and for reminding me to take pleasure in the wonderful surprises life gives me every single day. I love you too!
Of Books and Bookmarks
I mentioned that you can find me on Goodreads where I post reviews of the books I've been reading (you can see the books I am currently reading at right, on my Shelfari bookshelf). Shelfari is
Chocolate weather
After stultifying heat (first time I've ever used that, not heat), we've had 3 days of almost constant rain. Hence, chocolate weather. My favourite? Mozart-Kugel (sample at right). A little chocolate treat that my husband introduced me to (you can get it in the US at T.J. Maxx around Christmas). I cannot describe how delicious this taste is. It is marzipani-choco-hazelnutty all mixed up in my mouth. If I really want to eat chocolate, this is absolutely the best I've tasted!!
Taba Naba
I'd never heard this song before I looked at an old dvd of The Wiggles. I even put it on my iPod playlist. My husband was a little shocked (and I think wondering if I had finally become deranged for putting children's music on my iPod when I should be using it to escape from such. Anyway the reason I like this song (except for Anthony's voice in the intro), is that it has the power to transport me. I guess we all have music that does that for us. It just so happens that when I hear Christine Anu's voice on the song, I close my eyes and I imagine myself on a sunlit beach, facing the waves, with my arms outstretched, palm upwards. I could feel the warm sun and the salty breeze on my face and I feel peaceful. Maybe I imagine myself in Tobago or maybe in the Torres Strait where the song originates. I certainly feel it was worth the $0.99 I paid for it! I can get transported anytime I want!
Cause for celebration
A cousin in Trinidad celebrated a birthday recently and sent me a mixed bouquet of roses. It was fabulous! The pale pink? peach? roses were the most fragrant and smelt up the house. It's been about 2 weeks now since I got it and I can still smell it in my nose. Thanks Raz for reminding me that far away doesn't have to mean distant in heart and mind, for reminding me to look for the beauty in giving and not receiving and for reminding me to take pleasure in the wonderful surprises life gives me every single day. I love you too!